Raised Flooring

We are now living in a high-tech world and deal with devices everywhere. Be it your home or business place. We are covered with wires and cables and whatnot all around. This makes us annoyed and looks messy and gives a bad impression in front of our guests and clients. To curb our problem there is a solution: the raised floor. Most of us have undoubtedly gone across one of the several raised floor systems, also known as access floors, without even realizing it. An elevated structural floor with panels placed over a grid of movable vertical pedestals is known as a raised floor system. The space between the pedestals and the subfloor.  They make it easier to run cables, cabling, and Ventilation pipes and assist in the effective thermal regulation of houses; raised floors are popular. 

raised flooring

What exactly is the raised floor? 

A raised access floor is built of pedestal-supported panels that create a compartment beneath the floor for storing servers, wiring, and other items. Here are five reasons why you should consider this system Cabling, circuits, and cooling equipment are securely and covertly housed in the space between the cement and flooring plates

What are the advantages of installing a raised floor? 

  • It keeps wires hidden from view.

Nothing is more of an eyesore than an office with cords and wires flowing everywhere. There is plenty of room beneath the tiles in a raised access flooring system to hold all those unattractive pieces of technology. Your room will always look tidy and organized if you keep them arranged under the floor. When the cables disappear, the aesthetic appeal of any office area with a high-tech volume will be immediately improved

  • It Offers Simple Access for Upkeep

You’ll need to be able to rapidly access the servers you’re working with when you’re managing a complex set of servers. These will be below the floor, and they must be arranged and kept in plain sight for anyone performing maintenance. Access to any technology inside them is made painless and simple by this technique. The server’s components will be organized and labeled so that users can quickly find them and address any issues that may develop.

  • It Preserves Your Equipment’s Cooling

This technique enables floor-level air conditioning in the room. This design makes it possible for the air to travel more effectively, cooling the area more quickly and using less energy over the long term. Servers or other equipment kept underneath the floor system couldn’t overheat since cool air may be directed to flow above the tiles as well as below them

  • There Are Countless Design Options

This flooring system’s availability in several finishes ensures that you can always create the desired look, which is possibly one of its best features. There are always options available to fit everyone’s demands and aesthetic preferences, whether they are PVC, wood, granite, or porcelain. To have this practical floor, you don’t have to give up fashion or aesthetics.


Computers, utility systems, and data cabinets can take up a lot of room, which frequently results in clutter and little usable space. Cables and utility systems can be comfortably maintained with a raised floor system without taking up any additional floor space in the room. As a result, the region becomes more accessible, walkable, and attractive.

Why choose us? 

If you are dealing with this. Then relax. We at Floorings Abu Dhabi, are here to provide you with the best-raised floor. Our team with years of experience and skills and quality in hand will get a raised floor ready for you to minimize all the mess in your home or office and give you a clean and tidy environment.  We also have a lot of options available on the raised floor at reasonable prices.